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Selenium Tests with Maven and Selenide

Selenide is nice wrapper around selenium web driver allowing to simplify writting UI tests with Selenium.

Some of the cook features are:

  1. jquery-like selector syntax, e.g. $("div.myclass").is(Condition.visible)
  2. Automatic screenshots on assertion failure
  3. Easy starting Selenium WebDriver
  4. And others

So, let’s write some tests on selenide and make it run from maven in a normal browser or in headless mode.

Developing in "Dirty Trunk"

I’m going to start a series of posts covering different aspects of DevOps.

Let’s start today with branching strategy called “dirty trunk”. Actually, this is an attempt to avoid branching at all.

Implementing Automatic Reconnection for Netty Client

One of the first requirement of Netty ISO8588 client connector was the support for automatic reconnect.

One of the first receipts I came across was Thomas Termin’s one. He suggests adding a ChannelHandler which will schedule the calling of client’s connect() method once a Channel becomes inactive. Plus adding ChannelFutureListener which will re-create a bootstrap and re-connect if initial connection was failed.

Although this is a working solution, I had a feeling that something is not optimal. Namely, the new Bootstrap is being created on every connection attempt.

So, I created a FutureListener which should be registered once a Channel is closed.

Java Application Development Tutorial

I’ve been meaning to write a small tutorial for building web applications. Now it’s time! Let’s define the steps and choose some solutions for developing back-end java web application.

I will give my design recommendations and list a technologies I would use. You may have your own opinion and you may share it in comment. Over time, this post may change since my favourites are also changing over time.

Self-Hosted Web Analytics Solution for AngularJS

There are situations when you need to analyze user’s experience but can’t use a third-party web analytics solutions like Google Analytics or Yandex Metrika. For example, if your production environment is PCI DSS compliant. In this case you have to deploy self-hosted analytics engine and inside your environment and configure user actions tracking in your application. One of the possible solutions is the piwik as analytics engine + Angulartics or angular-piwik for tracking events inside AngularJS application. In addition to web analytics features, piwik offers a log analytics. Piwik Demo Another option is to use Open Web Analytics (OWA) and write a plugin for Angulartics. OWA Demo