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External Site Monitoring

How did you know that your site is down? From your customers? Then it’s time to start using some external monitoring tool.

Maximizing Efficiency with UI-First Development: A Client-Centric Approach to Project Success

One of the challenges for start-ups or any new project is to reduce the amount of work while still delivering a full-featured product. Agile methodologies address this challenge on the project management level. Let’s discuss another approach to address it on the architecture level: UI-first development.

Java Application Development Tutorial

I’ve been meaning to write a small tutorial for building web applications. Now it’s time! Let’s define the steps and choose some solutions for developing back-end java web application.

I will give my design recommendations and list a technologies I would use. You may have your own opinion, and you may share it in comment. Over time, this post may change since my favourites are also changing over time.

Booting Spring Webapp

Spring Boot is an excellent tool to bootstrap java application. Most of the references mention how to create a standalone java application, optionally with embedded web server (tomcat or jetty). But Spring Boot supports also creating web applications intended to run within servlet container.

WebJars: Easy Packaging Client Libraries

When developing java web application it is often annoying to manage third-party javascript libraries. Especially, when it is necessary to upgrade some of them.

The project “WebJars” makes a life easier for such lazyefficient developers, like me :-)

There is a wide range of popular javascript libraries packaged int Jar archives and ready to be included as a dependencies into your project. It is described in the documentation how to configure resource mapping in a web framework of your choice.