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Maximizing Efficiency with UI-First Development: A Client-Centric Approach to Project Success

One of the challenges for start-ups or any new project is to reduce the amount of work while still delivering a full-featured product. Agile methodologies address this challenge on the project management level. Let’s discuss another approach to address it on the architecture level: UI-first development.

How to Start Testing UI Before Backend is Ready

Testing web UIs before the backend is ready: create UI mockups first using fake data, turn them into a functional prototype, test thoroughly, then build the backend to match the UI data contract. Integrate frontend and backend at the end. Works for single-page apps and multi-page sites.

Selenium Tests with Maven and Selenide

The article explains how to use Selenide, a wrapper around Selenium WebDriver, to simplify writing UI tests in Java. It provides a sample Maven POM file with configuration options for running tests in different browsers, locally or on a CI server, and leaving the browser open after tests.