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Javascript Solari Board

Solari Board is a javascript app for displaying some status information. For example, it can be used to scheduling support team activity or displaying project build status from CI server (e.g. Jenkins) This article with a video about how the guys from FogCreek software has integrated SolariBoard into BigBoard to monitor their support team activity.

Migrating Logback Configuration from XML to Groovy

I’ve recently switched logback configuration of our application from XML to Groovy. Configuration file is not about 5 times smaller and can be displayed on one screen! Groovy helped to remove duplicating parts of configurations by using for loop. The moving was easy thanks to online conversion tool. And don’t forget to add a groovy-all runtime dependency to your project config.

Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer)

For every new project, one of the first questions to answer when planning release system is “How to define a product versions?”. Now I know the default answer for this question: “Just look at the Semantic Versioning Specification!. It looks very natural: X.Y.Z where X is major version, Y is minor version and Z is the patch (hotfix) version of the product. X,Y,Z are non-negative numbers. See full specification for details, it is not big, just 12 points.