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Kotlin Playground Shortcode for Hugo

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Kotlin Playground is HTML component which creates Kotlin-aware editors capable of running code from HTML block elements. You can use it on your Hugo-powered blog to render and run Kotlin code.

Add to <head> section of html document, e.g. in custom partial layout/partials/custom_header.html:

<script src="" data-selector=".kotlin-code"></script>

Add a shortcode template to your site, in layouts/shortcodes/kotlin.html, with the content:

<!-- kotlin -->
<code class="language-kotlin kotlin-code"
    {{- if .Get "foldedButton" }} folded-button="{{ .Get "foldedButton" }}" {{ end -}}
    {{- if .Get "height" }} data-output-height="{{ .Get "height" }}" {{ end -}}
    {{- if .Get "highlightOnly" }} data-highlight-only {{ end -}}
    {{- if .Get "jsLibs" }} data-js-libs="{{ .Get "jsLibs" }}" {{ end -}}
    {{- if .Get "targetPlatform" }} data-target-platform="{{ .Get "targetPlatform" }}" {{ end -}}
    {{- if .Get "theme" }} theme="{{ .Get "theme" }}" {{ end -}}
>{{htmlUnescape .Inner}}</code>
<!-- /kotlin -->

For instance following block of Kotlin code:

class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String) 
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
   val contact = Contact(1, "[email protected]")

turns into: data class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String) fun main() { val contact = Contact(1, "[email protected]") println(contact) } by applying kotlin shortcode in markdown:

{{< kotlin >}}
data class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String) 
fun main() {
    val contact = Contact(1, "[email protected]")
{{< /kotlin >}}

If you want to render code block without showing “Run” button you can use following snippet in Markdown:

{{< kotlin highlightOnly=true >}}
data class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String) 
{{< /kotlin >}}
data class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String)

If you want to show only specific fragment of code then use //sampleStart and //sampleEnd comments:

{{< kotlin highlightOnly=true >}}

data class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String) 

fun main() {
    val contact = Contact(1, "[email protected]")
{{< /kotlin >}}

All other code is collapsed: data class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String) fun main() { //sampleStart val contact = Contact(1, "[email protected]") println(contact) //sampleEnd }

If you want to showcase a coroutine there is good news. Coroutines libraries are already in classpath on playground server. import kotlinx.coroutines.* fun main() = runBlocking { val deferred = async { loadData() } println("waiting...") println(deferred.await()) } suspend fun loadData(): Int { println("loading...") delay(1000L) println("loaded!") return 42 }

Supported attributes #

Shortcode supports following attributes:

compilerVersion2.1.0, latestStableKotlin compiler version. Supported versions
foldedButtonfalse, trueIf you want to hide code snippet just set it to false
height20Set data-output-heigh. Set the iframe height in px in output. Use for target platform canvas.
highlightOnlyfalse, trueDisable run button
jsLibs20Provide additional data-js-libs
targetPlatformjava, js,junit,canvasUse another target platform
themeidea, draculaUse theme


{{< kotlin compilerVersion="latestStable" foldedButton=false height=300 targetPlatform="canvas" >}}
  • You can get the code here
  • Read more about supported attributes here
  • Kotlin Playground examples