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Selenium Tests with Maven and Selenide

Selenide is nice wrapper around selenium web driver allowing to simplify writing UI tests with Selenium.

Some of the cook features are:

  1. jquery-like selector syntax, e.g. $("div.myclass").is(Condition.visible)
  2. Automatic screenshots on assertion failure
  3. Easy starting Selenium WebDriver
  4. And others

So, let’s write some tests on selenide and make it run from maven in a normal browser or in headless mode.

First, let’s create pom.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""


        <surefire.argLine>-Dbrowser=${browser} -Dselenide.holdBrowserOpen=${holdBrowserOpen}</surefire.argLine>


                <surefire.argLine>-Dremote=${selenium.hub.url} -Dbrowser=${browser}</surefire.argLine>

        <defaultGoal>clean test</defaultGoal>


Notice the properties:

  1. surefire.argLine – defines a command line parameters for running tests.
  2. browser – specifies a browser to use.
  3. selenium.hub.url – URL where selenium hub is running, for tests with remote web driver, e.g. on CI server.
  4. holdBrowserOpen – should the browser be closed after tests.

Also there are a fistful of profiles to use as a shortcuts, e.g.

  • mvn clean test -Pphantomjs – run tests locally with phantomjs headless browser. Requires phantomjs to be installed
  • mvn clean test -Pfirefox,local – run tests locally with Firefox and leaves a browser open after tests
  • mvn clean test -Pci-server,chrome – run tests on selenium hub with Chrome

You may find working example in my GitHub repository.